Rebirth Your Skin

True to its name which means ‘rain’ in Latin, Pluvia draws inspiration from the rejuvenation and rebirth symbolised by rain. Rain takes the form of various elements that exist within nature – from the serene rivers and lakes, to towering icecaps and majestic clouds above. Season after season, it continues in this perpetual cycle, finding new life in itself while giving life to all the earth. In the same way, Pluvia breathes new life into your skin through a combination of age-old natural wisdom and cutting-edge dermatological science. Developed specially for irritated and sensitive skin by leading skin specialists, Pluvia works deep within the cell layers to regenerate, rejuvenate and rebirth – a fresh lease of life that your skin will revel in.

Brand Philosophy

Birthed By Nature

We fully believe in the nurturing power of Mother Nature. Hence, Pluvia is primarily formulated with all-natural ingredients such as licorice and oat, which soothes skin and reduces inflammation.

Made with Kindness

Pluvia is formulated with no SLS, soap, sulfate, parabens or artificial fragrances – just 100% tender love and care for your skin.

Perfected by Science

By incorporating the latest state-of-the-art processing technology and top skincare experts from around the world, we infuse Pluvia with an advanced rejuvenation.

Trusted for Goodness

The key idea behind Pluvia is offering a safer, gentler, plant-based alternative for those with problematic skin conditions, such as eczema or sensitive and very dry skin.